Alright, the files NOT zipped are reworked by me, the Zipped files, can be copied and pasted in modules, copy and paste the non zipped into modules also just like they are, the vin_Base folder contains a oganize house party, get rid of the one in your vin_base that says house party, should be in vinBase, Actions, social, and copy,paste the organize private party instead, there are no presets, for characters cuz i run and different scale sized body all characters should be scaled back to 1.0 i think i got them all, The one on the bottom is Actions and Interactions that bring both you and your npcs stats up, it will replace all Actions and Interactions, that level up both your stats and npcs, YES i said it twice, in settings for any of them to do any thing for you..... in the game settings there is a checked box that says " Ignore Animations Conditions, it has a check mark in a box, UNcheck the box so the check mark is no longer there, IF this box is checked, the animations to the game are none and void, WHY you say??? because as it states the Animations are turned off so 90% of the scenes will not work because they are turned OFF, thus having to Force scenes by tagging them and writing them in the tag box, AGAIN... Ignore Animations Conditions MUST be UNchecked , so i dont get ppl saying the mods dont work, most or all the scenes run automatically , when the box is UNchecked, got it good, the last zipp is my own workings cuz i got tired of doin shit with npcs and their stats mostly stay the same, ie fertility attraction, perversion, those stats even sub and dom stats, if ya dont like them they can be changed at for your preferences,as i said THESE will change ALL Action and Transactions in the game SO, make "bloody" sure you back-up the original files first, cuz if ya dont , youve been warned..... hope this is not too confusing yes i tried to make it perfectly clear what needs to be done to have not just the bones of the game but the GRAVY, as well, if this confuses any one just message me and ill help in any way i can Peace

and yes it is over described, like i said i want all this to be as clear as possible,OH fk, and for the house party use the rape drug the other just makes someone fall, or puk,thus ending the party, RAPE drug, and make sure three npcsand yourselve is at least 50%perverted or better the more perverted the better , and watch the doorknobs, and punchbowl, and your drink ,some of the parties WILL get out of control and dont drink the punch by your self its really quite ugly what happens to you, drink with npc GOOD, byself BAD

OHOH DO NOT use the nickno mod manager, cuz load order for The New Goodbye pac needs to be in this order three quarters down the pile , AS so " Get a Room, PartyandNightlife, The New Goodbye" from top to bottom get a room first and so on, Or the mod Will NOT work, there i think i got it all now