
Active Member
Aug 12, 2017
is it possible to make a mod/option to replase futas with dom women?
e.g if female dom level is above 90% they always cary their strapons and will definitely use them on their companion...


Apr 3, 2018
how watersports happen.
only during regular sex with a female can you get pissed on.

the real problem is the game crashes if someone walks in on you while on the toilet. at night sometime past 9pm, if you go to use the bathroom a relative will randomly walk in and call you a bitch and then the game crashes.


creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017

Pregnancy has been voted by patrons as Kink of the Month for December and will be the focus of the second update of this month - v3.17, ETA 26 December. BUT, that's not the only the kink getting worked on this month:
I know a lot of people aren't happy that Pregnancy pretty much has won every time it's available as an option in the poll. While I think the 2-month exclusion each time a kink wins is still fair enough (i.e. a kink can only win 4 times a year max, that's 4 updates out of at least 26 updates each year), since KoTM is only one update each month, I did promise to give some love to the unlucky losers whenever I can in the other update of the month. I did this last month too by introducing Watersports in my cum/squirt update. So this month, to keep those not too keen on Pregnancy happy, the first update of the month v3.16, ETA 12 December, will be dedicated to the two runner-ups in the poll: Polyamorous & Sex Worker.
The good thing for Polyamorous & Sex Worker in this situation is that v3.16 is not KoTM update like v3.17 is for Pregnancy, so Polyamorous & Sex Worker will continue to be available as options in the next KoTM poll for January and may win, while Pregnancy will be excluded for two months, meaning it's possible that thanks to this, these kinks may end up getting more content actually.
In summary, the release schedule for December will be:
- December 12, v3.16, Polyamorous + Sex Worker
- December 26, v3.17, Pregnancy
Also, I will make an important announcement on Saturday about what I plan for LifePlay v4.0 and as a byproduct of / early preparation for this the first three months of 2021 will end up having 6 Kink of the Month updates! So if your favorite kink hasn't got much luck so far, odds are it will get at least one update early next year, especially because Pregnancy, the most popular one, will now be excluded for Jan and Feb, having just won Dec.
I'll explain the 6 KoTM updates in 3 months and LifePlay v4.0 in more detail on Saturday. For now, give ideas and brainstorm about what exactly you want added for the three kinks being worked on this month: Pregnancy, Polyamorous & Sex Worker on the 's Kink of the Month Brainstorm channel. Since the brainstorm is being done for 3 kinks at once, when you post an idea, please start your post by specifying exactly which kink your idea is for.


Aug 17, 2017
Thank you for the game. Few suggestions:

- The inventory is all over the place. Alphabetical sorting of clothes and auto-removal of duplicates. Better still, if the clothing can be categorized/filtered. Top, Bottom, Underwear, Jackets, Shoes, Glasses
- Listing of outfit saved. Right now you have to remember the names.Maybe hotkey for outfits also.
- More clothing, shoes and swimwear
- Dynamic Clothing


May 9, 2017
I have no problems with any scenes not kickn in without coding it, from being raped at night in my own bed to wife sharing with boss or landlord, to breeding companion, to swinging, cuckin and being cucked, it some times comes in so fast i dont have the energy to do any thing about it, or rent for sex, or goiing for a jog and being molested in the park, to catching some one in the gym shower to gettin caught showering in the gym and haveing to sex my way out of the gym shower, all these and more happen in game, no force coding the game loads them automatically, like i said ive even lost a wife to the boss because he was spending more time than i was with her, AND she fkn married him cuz i went to the wedding, dropped rape drugs in the punch, and all had their way with her, :devilish:, a few times that night myself let alone 5 others that partied that nite, she must have been pretty sore the next couple of days i would say..... so if scenes arent firein then something must be toggled off, or not foldered right, even ones that ive made fire off quite well,:)


Nov 30, 2017
I have no problems with any scenes not kickn in without coding it, from being raped at night in my own bed to wife sharing with boss or landlord, to breeding companion, to swinging, cuckin and being cucked, it some times comes in so fast i dont have the energy to do any thing about it, or rent for sex, or goiing for a jog and being molested in the park, to catching some one in the gym shower to gettin caught showering in the gym and haveing to sex my way out of the gym shower, all these and more happen in game, no force coding the game loads them automatically, like i said ive even lost a wife to the boss because he was spending more time than i was with her, AND she fkn married him cuz i went to the wedding, dropped rape drugs in the punch, and all had their way with her, :devilish:, a few times that night myself let alone 5 others that partied that nite, she must have been pretty sore the next couple of days i would say..... so if scenes arent firein then something must be toggled off, or not foldered right, even ones that ive made fire off quite well,:)
What mods do you use?


May 9, 2017
What mods do you use?
breaking not bad 5,flirt extended, LL Dungeon V2, Parts of LL slave trainer,NaughtyNights, sb beauty exspansion, sb better Pregnacy sb pimpyourgirl, along witha monstered thenewgoodbye,getaroom,and partyand nightlife, plus the rest of the mods including the mystery moders mods,
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Nov 30, 2017
breaking not bad 5,flirt extended, LL Dungeon V2, Parts of LL slave trainer,NaughtyNights, sb beauty exspansion, sb better Pregnacy sb pimpyourgirl, along witha monstered thenewgoodbye,getaroom,and partyand nightlife, plus the rest of the mods including the mystery moders mods,
Cheers! How is the "monstered" version different from the base mod/mods (in case all 3 of them are "monstered") ?


Apr 3, 2018
breaking not bad 5,flirt extended, LL Dungeon V2, Parts of LL slave trainer,NaughtyNights, sb beauty exspansion, sb better Pregnacy sb pimpyourgirl, along witha monstered thenewgoodbye,getaroom,and partyand nightlife, plus the rest of the mods including the mystery moders mods,

We're these all, besides the mystermoders, included in the 3.15 version? How do you even go out for a jog or shower at the gym?


May 9, 2017
We're these all, besides the mystermoders, included in the 3.15 version? How do you even go out for a jog or shower at the gym?
NONE of these mods ie: partynightlife, naughtynights ,breakingbad 5, LLdungeonV2, LLslavetrainer, sbbeauty, sbpimpurgirl,thenewgoodbye, getaroom,are mods NOT included in any of the updates, some are on the first page of this forum, some ive "monstered to work better, ie partynitelife,getaroom and thenewgoodbye are in one file, for it to work in the game, and is not on here, the three files are but not the monstered one that i reworked. and LLslavetrainer,is reworked as well and not on here either, i do have both reworked tho saved on my computer.
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May 9, 2017
LifePlay's Guide by Apo_Icarus

Fan Signature:

Requirements To Run the Game:
(very likely you already have them installed if you've played other Unreal Engine games)

Community-Made Mods: (Completely Optional) How to Install Mods - NickNo's Mod Installer
Random NPC Breakups - Propose Sex To Companion - N1ck's Character Presets - Create NPC Relationship - Additional Activities - Gallery Mod - Pimp Your Girl - The Movie Experience - Beauty Expansion - Cover Tracks - Simulate Button - Better Pregnancy - The New Goodbye - devi1254's Presets - - - - - - No More YouTube - Vima's Bedroom Presets - Weight & Fitness - feelotraveller's Presets - NPC Relationship Manager - - - Dungeon Mod - Asian Name Lists - - The Magic Mod - SugarDaddy++ - Set Relationship V2 - Party And Nightlife - Porn Empire - Nudity Matters - Naughty Nights - Porn Spectacles - Shalima - Icarus Scenes - srg91's Presets - kayser's Presets - MattShizzle's Bedroom Replacements

Optional Map Downloads:
MEGA Folder
and here they are, and i dont use Nicknos mod installer it slows everything to a crawl in the game,
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Nov 30, 2017
NONE of these mods ie: partynightlife, naughtynights ,breakingbad 5, LLdungeonV2, LLslavetrainer, sbbeauty, sbpimpurgirl,thenewgoodbye, getaroom,are mods NOT included in any of the updates, some are on the first page of this forum, some ive "monstered to work better, ie partynitelife,getaroom and thenewgoodbye are in one file, for it to work in the game, and is not on here, the three files are but not the monstered one that i reworked. and LLslavetrainer,is reworked as well and not on here either, i do have both reworked tho saved on my computer.
Could you share the reworked mods here, please?


May 9, 2017
Alright, the files NOT zipped are reworked by me, the Zipped files, can be copied and pasted in modules, copy and paste the non zipped into modules also just like they are, the vin_Base folder contains a oganize house party, get rid of the one in your vin_base that says house party, should be in vinBase, Actions, social, and copy,paste the organize private party instead, there are no presets, for characters cuz i run and different scale sized body all characters should be scaled back to 1.0 i think i got them all, The one on the bottom is Actions and Interactions that bring both you and your npcs stats up, it will replace all Actions and Interactions, that level up both your stats and npcs, YES i said it twice, in settings for any of them to do any thing for you..... in the game settings there is a checked box that says " Ignore Animations Conditions, it has a check mark in a box, UNcheck the box so the check mark is no longer there, IF this box is checked, the animations to the game are none and void, WHY you say??? because as it states the Animations are turned off so 90% of the scenes will not work because they are turned OFF, thus having to Force scenes by tagging them and writing them in the tag box, AGAIN... Ignore Animations Conditions MUST be UNchecked , so i dont get ppl saying the mods dont work, most or all the scenes run automatically , when the box is UNchecked, got it good, the last zipp is my own workings cuz i got tired of doin shit with npcs and their stats mostly stay the same, ie fertility attraction, perversion, those stats even sub and dom stats, if ya dont like them they can be changed at for your preferences,as i said THESE will change ALL Action and Transactions in the game SO, make "bloody" sure you back-up the original files first, cuz if ya dont , youve been warned..... hope this is not too confusing yes i tried to make it perfectly clear what needs to be done to have not just the bones of the game but the GRAVY, as well, if this confuses any one just message me and ill help in any way i can Peace;) and yes it is over described, like i said i want all this to be as clear as possible,OH fk, and for the house party use the rape drug the other just makes someone fall, or puk,thus ending the party, RAPE drug, and make sure three npcsand yourselve is at least 50%perverted or better the more perverted the better , and watch the doorknobs, and punchbowl, and your drink ,some of the parties WILL get out of control and dont drink the punch by your self its really quite ugly what happens to you, drink with npc GOOD, byself BADo_O OHOH DO NOT use the nickno mod manager, cuz load order for The New Goodbye pac needs to be in this order three quarters down the pile , AS so " Get a Room, PartyandNightlife, The New Goodbye" from top to bottom get a room first and so on, Or the mod Will NOT work, there i think i got it all now:giggle:
Last edited:


Jun 3, 2018
I need some help here, I can't load any of my saves in game anymore. When I go to load, all the slots are empty.

I have checked Lifeplay/Content/Saves and they all seem to be there. I tried copying the folder out and copying it back to overwrite everything but it made no difference.

I did build a new PC since last playing, but the drive lifeplay is installed on was carried over. Other games with save content saved locally in the game folder have carried over fine, but lifeplay isn't recognising any of the saves.


May 9, 2017
also these "TAGS" when written in the bottom box that says tags.... of each character, where you change the body, hairs and so on, that very bottom box with tags in front of it, write these in as they are seen here, Breeder, sharedboss, sharedfamily, sharedneighbour, Breeder, is for female more so, dont know if it works on trans or male, SO, if has spouse or dating and you are dating or spoused, SO, Slutty, Whore, Breeder, Evil, Bitch, Aggressive, Abusive, Horny, Kinky, Perverted, Creepy, bondagewear, sharedboss, sharedfamily, sharedneighbour, sharedAll, Cheater, Obedient, Submissive, Dominant, Nymphomaniac, sharedName of person, ie if the name is John H it should be written as so, sharedJohnH,or if has last name then put in as full like so,ie sharedJohnHoe, or what ever the name is, capitals on the ones seen with a comma and space in between, one to three work well, for each charater, any more than three and it will only see the first three tags writtn in, should look like this Breeder, Whore, sharedboss, and make sure you comma the last TAG, and press enter, i write one in comma space and enter, second Tag write in comma it, space, enter, then the last, write, comma space, enter, making sure there is a space between all the tags like i said as seen written msg me if dont understand :giggle: sharedspouse, sharedGirlfriend, Lover, arethree more
Last edited:


May 9, 2017
I need some help here, I can't load any of my saves in game anymore. When I go to load, all the slots are empty.

I have checked Lifeplay/Content/Saves and they all seem to be there. I tried copying the folder out and copying it back to overwrite everything but it made no difference.

I did build a new PC since last playing, but the drive lifeplay is installed on was carried over. Other games with save content saved locally in the game folder have carried over fine, but lifeplay isn't recognising any of the saves.
if they are "Ghost slots" meaning there is a slot in the have phone list but no character, go to Users, your name, Local, LifePlay i think it is and see what Saved has in it, if there is no saved file in there yur S O L :poop:
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3.30 star(s) 118 Votes