JAZZ (full EP)

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @eattingdirt1298
    @eattingdirt1298 5 лет назад +6367

    i know you probably make music more for yourself than anyone else, but on behalf of all students that are studying and stressed for exams, thank you so much for doing what you do. we love you louie!

    • @dubioussheep1184
      @dubioussheep1184 4 года назад +84

      As someone who’s cramming thank you

    • @manthighs69
      @manthighs69 4 года назад +66

      im going to develop a pavlovian study stress reflex from listening to these eps yeah

    • @birb1097
      @birb1097 4 года назад +22

      yeah, the music louie makes is so great for working to and listening to relax! thank you so much, louie!

    • @grapeenjoyer3658
      @grapeenjoyer3658 4 года назад +8

      So true

    • @YourMomsHousehold
      @YourMomsHousehold 4 года назад +4

      I second this notion

  • @robokid20001
    @robokid20001 5 лет назад +3018

    I was literally just looking for something to put on while working. This seriously couldn't have been better. Only a couple minutes in and it's already amazing as always.

    • @hayzmation5354
      @hayzmation5354 5 лет назад +9

      I heard the first few seconds and was already looking to see if it was on Spotify or Apple Music 😂

    • @thenicehermit5036
      @thenicehermit5036 5 лет назад +7


    • @gerrardjoseph6211
      @gerrardjoseph6211 4 года назад +1


    • @Horzinicla
      @Horzinicla 4 года назад +1

      If you stopped to comment on this beautiful music, that probably too goof to be studying music XD

    • @thehiddeneye9271
      @thehiddeneye9271 4 года назад +2

      Unloading a truck and this puts me in that mood that working mood XD

  • @OrbitJFly
    @OrbitJFly 5 лет назад +2666

    A lot of bee jokes here but this music gets an A+ from me

  • @ritualelf
    @ritualelf 5 лет назад +600

    this album is so good ! really fun and groovy
    -og's will remember "dogtective" as "dog, private investigator"-

    • @francesatty7022
      @francesatty7022 5 лет назад +17

      i forgot he even changed it

    • @bradley1048
      @bradley1048 4 года назад +20

      i think dog, private investigator is the better name but who am i to say?

    • @aga3708
      @aga3708 4 года назад +19

      dogtective sounds nicer in my opinion

    • @diangthericeball
      @diangthericeball 4 года назад +1

      @@aga3708 agreed

    • @geraldpalma1218
      @geraldpalma1218 2 года назад

      Dog private investigator, DPI sounds like it's from mouses lmao. I wouldn't complain... If someone asks "how fast is your dpi?" I'd say it's faster than sherlock holmes

  • @robt815
    @robt815 5 лет назад +618

    inject this EP straight into my veins

  • @670839245
    @670839245 5 лет назад +834

    ... ... When I saw the title I'm actually expecting an extended version of the "a thing about chords" jazz

    • @GiuseppeBenne
      @GiuseppeBenne 5 лет назад +32

      Me too buddy
      Me too...

    • @madsly5235
      @madsly5235 5 лет назад +14

      :((( me too

    • @helix2331
      @helix2331 5 лет назад +11

      well are you disappointed?

    • @hiukepleset1064
      @hiukepleset1064 5 лет назад +9

      We need that thing do we?

    • @theholyspirit4780
      @theholyspirit4780 5 лет назад +21

      Blue hell nah this is still too good for us to deserve ✌️😤✌️

  • @hime6670
    @hime6670 5 лет назад +576

    Yes Patrick, Baguette is a instrument

    • @nonominomusic
      @nonominomusic 5 лет назад +17

      @@garbo5990 saying cringe bro is cringe bro is cringe bro

    • @compa6251
      @compa6251 5 лет назад +15

      @@nonominomusic saying cringe bro is cringe bro is cringe bro is cringe bro

    • @arunthebuffoon4554
      @arunthebuffoon4554 5 лет назад +5

      @@tillum7593 that roast was cringe, cause it sounded like *you* don't have any friends

    • @theholyspirit4780
      @theholyspirit4780 5 лет назад +13

      Y’all calm down this is a wholesome vibin place only positive thoughts 👏😆✌️

    • @amysanscale
      @amysanscale 5 лет назад +10

      *nods in french*

  • @heleezy
    @heleezy 5 лет назад +675

    Just finished today’s chemo to come to this, thanks Louie.

    • @lowercase_ash
      @lowercase_ash 4 года назад +6

      Wow that must be such a good feeling 🤣 I've just been sitting on my butt

    • @dogdonut3
      @dogdonut3 4 года назад +49

      Sorry you have to go through chemo.

    • @rui4313
      @rui4313 4 года назад +17

      i hope you are okay

    • @flockenlp1
      @flockenlp1 4 года назад +16

      Hope you are well!

    • @Chluffles
      @Chluffles 4 года назад +15

      Sending well wishes and good vibes your way, friend! You're super loved, and we wish you a happy and healthy 2021!

  • @fruitwagon9275
    @fruitwagon9275 5 лет назад +513

    I just finished writing an essay while listening to Louie Zong on Spotify, and as soon as I open RUclips, this is what I see.
    Not disappointed!

    • @sethd8100
      @sethd8100 5 лет назад +3

      I know right its really good I cant wait for the ep to go onto spotify

    • @the_untitled__
      @the_untitled__ 5 лет назад

      @@sethd8100 I also hope the cats EP goes onto spotify, because it is one of my favorite Louie Zong Albums. louiezong.bandcamp.com/album/cats

    • @thiseathon
      @thiseathon 5 лет назад +1

      are you fighting mettaton while you listening to louie’s music?

  • @DuncanSteven
    @DuncanSteven 5 лет назад +124

    Had no idea this was dropping, what a treat!

  • @TannerMurphy
    @TannerMurphy 5 лет назад +133

    I would pay any amount of money to have your entire discography on vinyl

  • @Tappers71
    @Tappers71 2 месяца назад +2

    Getting recommended an EP and then going down the rabbit hole while writing an essay last minute is the best way to discover absolute gems like this!

  • @bunnywithmonocle5324
    @bunnywithmonocle5324 2 года назад +3

    I found this by accident due to auto play, and I'm glad I did because this is quite nice music.

  • @adrianjo4791
    @adrianjo4791 8 месяцев назад +2

    As a jazz musician, I can confirm that this is jazz

  • @Insert.Oregano
    @Insert.Oregano 5 лет назад +148

    Welcome to the Favorites playlist, once again. I can tell I'll be coming back to this one a lot. You're truly an inspiration, Louie! Thanks for the good jams

  • @b_mrkr1103
    @b_mrkr1103 3 года назад +1

    thank you for making music even people who are crying, panicking, and rioting at the same time jams to and enjoys it

  • @pieman2435
    @pieman2435 5 лет назад +252

    I love music, its arguably the most relaxing form of media, and the most varied. You can have a song as long as an album, and an album as long as a song. You can listen while relaxing, or murdering people to death(in games not irl). Music tells stories, which takes the place of films and books, expresses feelings, which takes the place of art, or can just be used for leisure. This EP is an example of good music, well done.

  • @Faceplates330
    @Faceplates330 5 лет назад +19

    the subtle bark at 4:19 makes dogtective really great. good job louie!

  • @FroyoAnto
    @FroyoAnto 5 лет назад +844

    Yang Gang? Nah.
    I prefer the Zong Gong

    • @aangsstaff4174
      @aangsstaff4174 5 лет назад

      AntomationTV 👌🏾

    • @theholyspirit4780
      @theholyspirit4780 5 лет назад +16


    • @namhnguyen8111
      @namhnguyen8111 5 лет назад +12

      @Is me ? Zong's Zingers sounds good to me

    • @sirSpookyToons
      @sirSpookyToons 4 года назад +10

      Zong's songs!

    • @samwest6506
      @samwest6506 4 года назад +4

      @@sirSpookyToons yeah. Best and most simple.

  • @TongTong-or2bh
    @TongTong-or2bh 2 года назад +3

    I ALWAYS come back to this

  • @kidzvidz3262
    @kidzvidz3262 5 лет назад +268

    Yeah I'm completely not in bed supposed to be sleeping dancing like a maniac to calm music. I'm not doing that ok?

    • @elijah5989
      @elijah5989 4 года назад +29

      12345678910 Sweet crimminy, please tell me that you meant “jazz”

  • @lemonthembo4487
    @lemonthembo4487 5 лет назад +23

    why does charlie brown’s day off make me want to make up my own lyrics to dramatically sing in my kitchen??

  • @homiebreadpill
    @homiebreadpill 5 лет назад +3

    I love this!! Also I scrolled down to see the comments and I saw the description and the first is baguette bop!! I vibe with baguette bop.

  • @Green-wo6nc
    @Green-wo6nc Год назад +2

    for anyone else who felt Puzzle Jazz 10:55 sounded familiar and thought they might be going insane (like i just have for the last half hour), it's based on John Coltrane's Impressions. finally i can sleep in peace now i've identified where i know it from.
    (also go listen to patrick bartley's version of impressions, it's amazing)

  • @colinkieliszewski661
    @colinkieliszewski661 5 лет назад +79

    I'm going through some stuff right now, but listening to this makes things seem alright for a while

    • @Mmmmbananas
      @Mmmmbananas 5 лет назад +2

      Stay strong buddy

    • @illusemytrustyfryingpanasa9249
      @illusemytrustyfryingpanasa9249 4 года назад +2

      hope you feel better

    • @partybanana230
      @partybanana230 4 года назад +1

      I hope you feel better

    • @orbitalforce7120
      @orbitalforce7120 4 года назад +3

      extremely late, but hey, time heals everything. Let this music be your band aid, even just for a while. If you're fine now, I'm happy for you.

  • @ps7038
    @ps7038 5 лет назад +57

    Louie my love, how did you know I needed/wanted this baguettety bop all my live?

  • @SamUnderStars
    @SamUnderStars 5 лет назад +10

    Never in my life did I think I'd bop to a baguette but here we are.

  • @satokonitz893
    @satokonitz893 5 лет назад +2

    This gives me some STRONG 1940's/50's small band jazz vibes, i love it

  • @thesadbro7546
    @thesadbro7546 5 лет назад +16

    If this isn't played on my funeral I might as well not die

  • @PrezDispenser
    @PrezDispenser 5 лет назад +11

    As an aspiring jazz player myself and a huge fan of yours I am absolutely ecstatic about this oh my lord you’re a gift to our ears Louie

  • @kokoskolan2099
    @kokoskolan2099 5 лет назад +39

    Why do your songs melt my ears?
    This is amazing!

    • @cutlery9831
      @cutlery9831 5 лет назад +6

      Read that as "why do your eyes melt mine ears?" Lmaooo

  • @wompadillœ
    @wompadillœ 5 лет назад +25

    Oh heck yes, I’m so excited! It’s only been 30 seconds and I love this so much already

  • @Insert.Oregano
    @Insert.Oregano 5 лет назад +278

    Wait, when did YT mobile start letting you click timestamps in the description? It's about time, lol

    • @salmonellq2981
      @salmonellq2981 5 лет назад +19

      for years, right?

    • @0xC272
      @0xC272 5 лет назад +23

      @@salmonellq2981 Not on mobile, it's been missing for ages

    • @arthur.s
      @arthur.s 5 лет назад +23

      Salmonella von Chernobyl you could do it in comments just not the description of a video

    • @archywarchyy
      @archywarchyy 5 лет назад +1

      I can actually click timestamps on the description now, perhaps update your RUclips?

    • @powersourzecartoons8008
      @powersourzecartoons8008 5 лет назад +1


  • @coool6285
    @coool6285 4 года назад +1

    i just-
    thank you. you are doing everyone a favor by posting these. i personally loop one of your songs each day and listen to them thru school

  • @lilscranton6897
    @lilscranton6897 3 года назад +3

    the melody in "hold on, please!" is so good! the guitar and piano feel like they're singing lyrics!

  • @PogieJoe
    @PogieJoe 5 лет назад +2

    I will never not love your work.

  • @aaron6290
    @aaron6290 5 лет назад +30

    Louie, I can’t tell how much I love your artwork and music work. Thank you and have a great one! ❤️

  • @symphonydoodles9484
    @symphonydoodles9484 3 года назад +4

    I stg that every time I listen to this while laying in bed trying to fall asleep, no matter how sad, anxious or numb feel this always puts a smile on my face and I get to sleep peacefully:,)

  • @doublespoonco
    @doublespoonco 5 лет назад +26

    We have been BLESSED

  • @kendal5042
    @kendal5042 5 лет назад +8

    I'm never disappointed by a Louie Zong upload:)

  • @juppiesmycat9144
    @juppiesmycat9144 5 лет назад +17

    Ahh I just love the simplicity of everything you do. Can't wait to have heard this over a million times c:

  • @applanthropist
    @applanthropist 5 лет назад +5

    actually thank you for including stereo in the image, I usually only listen with my left ear

  • @Finnecable
    @Finnecable 5 лет назад +6

    I've pretty much had this on loop for two days straight, this is so comfy.

  • @I_Bleed_Luv
    @I_Bleed_Luv 5 лет назад

    Your music helps me with my derealization disorder thanks

  • @jj-hq6nx
    @jj-hq6nx 5 лет назад +13

    Oh my lord, this is incredible. You’re truly the only musician that makes this kind of wholesome music. I hope that you keep doing what you love for as long as you can!

  • @hyperfoxartist9
    @hyperfoxartist9 5 лет назад +1

    i trust you enough to put this on my music playlist after only a few seconds of listening

  • @catkittycatcatkittycatcat9652
    @catkittycatcatkittycatcat9652 4 года назад +3

    thank you for making music, i was freaking out since i was reporting my dad to cps, but your music came on and now im significantly calmer so thank you!

  • @saddlebag
    @saddlebag 2 года назад +1

    This made for some great late night background music.

  • @AgentMulder120
    @AgentMulder120 5 лет назад +15

    This is perfect makes me feel like sobbing a lil bit.

  • @parlerler3872
    @parlerler3872 5 лет назад +9

    this probably is my first time following every song of an artist and actually wating for the next one. Like bro keep this up man I don't think i can live without this channel!

  • @danielstilley8038
    @danielstilley8038 5 лет назад +7

    Your songs are always a treat, this being no exception. You have such a distinct style, but all of your songs are still very much their own thing

  • @hunterendicott2673
    @hunterendicott2673 5 лет назад +2

    CEO of instrumentals

  • @blinkfilms1
    @blinkfilms1 5 лет назад +20

    Thank you Louie
    Every EP you release while I'm writing mine is a reminder to get my ass in gear

  • @Oracle_Ocelot
    @Oracle_Ocelot 3 года назад +1

    Perfect morning jazz! Sitting here with my coffee, what a wonderful way to start the day.

  • @yungchopsticks
    @yungchopsticks 5 лет назад +48


  • @Atylonisus
    @Atylonisus 2 года назад +1

    So this is that "Jazz music" everyone keeps telling me about!

  • @driftninja_468
    @driftninja_468 5 лет назад +19

    styles of jazz(the ones I got so far)
    Bossa nova: 2:06
    Blues: 4:10
    Swing: 10:54
    Funk *(?)* : 12:31

  • @Ajupitis
    @Ajupitis 5 лет назад +2

    A 17 min video?!?
    We have been blessed!!!

  • @andreamartinez-jt7mx
    @andreamartinez-jt7mx 5 лет назад +3

    this is the most amazing channel i’ve ever seen

  • @HimynameisAverie
    @HimynameisAverie 5 лет назад +6

    after the rain is 👌 chef's kiss

  • @maddie_sexton_music
    @maddie_sexton_music 5 лет назад +3

    Love the “stereo” in the corner of the cover art, nice touch

  • @artemyres
    @artemyres 3 года назад +1

    i'm SO HAPPY i finally found this

  • @rimwswsws
    @rimwswsws 2 года назад +14

    Tadi saya merasa sedikit sedih, tapi setelah datang album ini rasanya sedih ku langsung terbang ke awan! Thank You louie. We love u so much

  • @anthonydang6727
    @anthonydang6727 5 лет назад +1

    I did not expect to hear a cover of one of my favourite coltrane tunes. Awesome job Louie!

  • @arabellaclemons4322
    @arabellaclemons4322 5 лет назад +13

    This is so good, I've been following your music for years and this is my fav to date! :)

  • @Nerok
    @Nerok 5 лет назад +2


  • @watermullins42
    @watermullins42 5 лет назад +6

    Louie Arm Zong

  • @soapygee1223
    @soapygee1223 5 лет назад +1

    his music is all I need to get by in life

  • @enderblaze2034
    @enderblaze2034 5 лет назад +12

    I’m a simple lady, I see jazz I click

  • @rondld840
    @rondld840 5 лет назад +1

    Your albums and videos make so many people happier and make their day better, keep on having fun doing what you love, Louie :)

  • @thonur
    @thonur 4 года назад +7

    this playlist makes my lust go away

    • @AoDoesArt
      @AoDoesArt 4 года назад +3

      I dont know who you are but your profile picture scares me

    • @Jp47326
      @Jp47326 4 года назад +2

      @@AoDoesArt he watches your every move 👁

  • @aroma_tic
    @aroma_tic 5 лет назад +7

    Once again, a literal work from heaven. Your music never ceases to stun.

  • @hannahkimble9319
    @hannahkimble9319 5 лет назад +4

    spotify keeps telling me im in the top 1% of people who listen to your music so i think it goes without saying that i really love your work!

  • @kacper2246
    @kacper2246 3 года назад +1

    1:17 feels like the credit sequence to baguette bop

  • @pinetree26
    @pinetree26 4 года назад +4

    Honestly, how did I stumble on such a gem

  • @ykMMD
    @ykMMD 5 лет назад +2

    I'm always so excited when I see a new video from your channel! :D

  • @reneochoa7396
    @reneochoa7396 4 года назад +4

    This is pure gold.

    • @AoDoesArt
      @AoDoesArt 4 года назад +2

      Actually it's Jazz
      This is a joke

  • @LostSoulAscension
    @LostSoulAscension 4 года назад +11

    You sir, have been inspiring my musical taste recently.. Your songs are telling me not to be afraid of certain sounds just because I made them. I sense that in your music, truly, thank you for showing such freedom in your expression.

  • @ratsalad1
    @ratsalad1 5 лет назад +13

    This is, most certainly the slap.

  • @summerczarnowski685
    @summerczarnowski685 4 года назад +1

    My sister says congratulations on making a good album.

  • @Aukejorrit
    @Aukejorrit 5 лет назад +4

    This is my favourite type of music and goddamn is this a beautiful EP!

  • @hycolm5899
    @hycolm5899 4 года назад +1

    Puzzle jazz is what anxiety sounds like.

  • @rom9426
    @rom9426 2 года назад +5

    I can´t stop looping Minty fresh

  • @matthewwyman6896
    @matthewwyman6896 4 года назад +2

    Me: trying to find good jams to write to
    Louie Zong: makes exclusively top-tier writing jams

  • @ryderscott8217
    @ryderscott8217 5 лет назад +103

    8 people were so enthralled by the music that they missed the like button by accident, honest mistake.

    • @Faceplates330
      @Faceplates330 4 года назад +4

      Although it's twenty-six now - they need glasses, man.

    • @dermitdog1699
      @dermitdog1699 4 года назад

      After 6 months, it's been 38 people (3 months after​ @@Faceplates330's comment). I'm starting to think some people must be going through some stuff that they feel they need to take out on a chill video they found.

    • @disappearingartists8893
      @disappearingartists8893 3 года назад

      @@dermitdog1699 dang now it’s 74. I hope they are doing good

  • @orionsnook1025
    @orionsnook1025 4 года назад +2

    when your stressed so you open up a puzzle game on your phone and play it while listening to puzzle jazz

  • @themagicpencilcase
    @themagicpencilcase 3 года назад +3

    Every time this comes up in my list of fun things that make me happy, I just smile uncontrollably. What a delight. Thank you for sharing all the cool things you make with us! :D

  • @zeccet3781
    @zeccet3781 5 лет назад +1

    The album art really works well with the music! Awesome work once again :)

  • @mon4979
    @mon4979 5 лет назад +23

    Louie: makes jazz video
    People: heck yeah
    Me: a thing about chords?

  • @mariknewtheworldonce
    @mariknewtheworldonce Год назад +1

    i would pay money to get these songs tattooed on my brain 💀

  • @jonandersen6512
    @jonandersen6512 5 лет назад +3

    this is very nice, thank you for posting!

  • @abodiceripper
    @abodiceripper 5 лет назад +2

    I really like your song names! My favourite song is Baguette bop but dogtective is also a good name for a song so thats my favourite too!

  • @neveerland
    @neveerland 5 лет назад +8

    Oh Louie, you've done it again... It's like everytime you post something I fall in love with your music once again 💙 thank you

  • @scrungly
    @scrungly 5 лет назад +1

    you’re pumping this stuff out and it’s all super good!

  • @NateSassoonMusic
    @NateSassoonMusic 5 лет назад +3

    horn dog shuffle vibes nicely

  • @risipieces
    @risipieces 5 лет назад +1


  • @girloffthecob
    @girloffthecob 3 года назад +5

    Words cannot describe how much I love Minty Fresh. I don't know if I've made this comment before but if I have I'm making it again. Every time I listen to this album Minty Fresh makes me so darn happy and I love it :)

  • @catalatorre4801
    @catalatorre4801 5 лет назад +1

    Wow, this is so good!! I love me some jazzy tunes put on with a louie style!! Thanks for shareing your beautiful music with us for us to enjoy

  • @plubbo7976
    @plubbo7976 5 лет назад +6

    I have this music class and we’re learning about jazz and I wanna play this song for my classmates and teacher. It was so good!

  • @Otakuwench904
    @Otakuwench904 5 лет назад +2

    *aggressively bops my head* I've been waiting for you to drop something like this I'm so happy hNG