What if EVERY Villain Won in Pokemon?

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @MarcMagma
    @MarcMagma 2 года назад +2110

    Fun fact:
    Due to either censorship or mistranslation, in the german dub of the anime, Team Magma's plan was actually to only expand the amount of land a bit as opposed to drying up all water.
    Team Aqua however still wanted to flood the world though "for the good of all Pokémon" (despite wiping out most Pokémon in the process.)

    • @Lionwoman
      @Lionwoman 2 года назад +168

      Mmmm interesting. In Spain Magma's plot was also expanding the land.

    • @InhabitantOfOddworld
      @InhabitantOfOddworld 2 года назад +134

      Lebensraum can be a touchy subject

    • @Pikachu_Gamer123
      @Pikachu_Gamer123 2 года назад +23

      Never watched the hoenn saga from the anime

    • @PokeMario-pk4ot
      @PokeMario-pk4ot 2 года назад +111

      Honestly, that seems like a way better plan than drying up all water

    • @joseguadalupemartineztorre9702
      @joseguadalupemartineztorre9702 2 года назад +77

      I always thought Magma's plan was to create land connecting the other islands, and drying up most of the ocean was going to be the solution

  • @w1ndgeneral226
    @w1ndgeneral226 2 года назад +299

    Fun fact: Ghetsis's team at the end could nearly perfectly counter the pokemon N had at his last fight. And seeing how Ghetsis is the only person in Pokemon who will result to murder, it's quite possible Ghetsis planned to eventually kill N and take his legendary, which his alternate version probably did as shown in Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon.

    • @connorconnor1631
      @connorconnor1631 9 месяцев назад +13

      he is not the only person in pokémon who resorts to murder

  • @amiiboguy7288
    @amiiboguy7288 2 года назад +1117

    You forgot about Sordward and Shielbert.
    If they succeeded in their plan, they would be kings of Galar, and I’d hate to live in a region under their rule.
    Also, Zacian and Zamazenta would no longer be heroes, but terrifying beasts. The brothers would probably abuse their power to get in control

    • @matthewmatthew8941
      @matthewmatthew8941 2 года назад +118

      I’ve tried to forget about them.

    • @amiiboguy7288
      @amiiboguy7288 2 года назад +140

      @@matthewmatthew8941 I thought they had a pretty good concept, just executed poorly.
      We already have nihilistic and grim villains like Cyrus, Lysandre and Ghetsis, so I think it’s nice to have jerk villains like Sordward and Shielbert.
      I just wish they spent more time working on SwSh’s story, the brothers could’ve had great potential as villains
      The idea of snooty guys with awful hairdos in control of Galar’s true heroes is actually kind of a cool concept for Pokémon villains imo

      @ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣΔΑΣΚΑΛΑΚΗΣ-ω9ψ 2 года назад +78

      @@amiiboguy7288 They were good in concept, but poorly executed.
      Just like the rest of Sword and Shield.

    • @amiiboguy7288
      @amiiboguy7288 2 года назад +30

      @@ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣΔΑΣΚΑΛΑΚΗΣ-ω9ψ If SwSh gets remakes or sequels that fix its mistakes, I’d be so happy

    • @matthewmatthew8941
      @matthewmatthew8941 2 года назад +24

      @@amiiboguy7288 I think it’s the weird chasing them around or what ever it was I had to do to beat their story is what I mainly try to forget. But I do like that Pokémon has so many different types of bad guys.

  • @thedragonwarrior5861
    @thedragonwarrior5861 2 года назад +560

    Its weird that everybody calls Giratina evil and conventional forgetting that it stopped Cyrus of its own free will

    • @vlalcremie002
      @vlalcremie002 2 года назад +56

      Didn't you mean Cyrus?

    • @thedragonwarrior5861
      @thedragonwarrior5861 2 года назад +29

      @@vlalcremie002 fair point

    • @irondragondxd3836
      @irondragondxd3836 2 года назад +15

      Nah Giratina is evil, it tried to do the exact same thing Cyrus did 200 years prior.

    • @agatha6999
      @agatha6999 2 года назад +79

      In Legends Arceus, Giratina’s definitely evil but it seems reformer several centuries after that with how it stops Cyrus though maybe that was fueled by survival and nothing else, who knows

    • @irondragondxd3836
      @irondragondxd3836 2 года назад +40

      @@agatha6999 The irony is Giratina, Cyrus, and Volo are all more alike than not.

  • @lightsen
    @lightsen 2 года назад +191

    As much as I love the hoenn villains, they really did not think through their plans. I guess they assumed they could control the legendries so precisely that they can just avoid all of the destruction and magic the world the way they wanted. You gotta love dumb villains, at least they learned their lesson haha

    • @John-Stark
      @John-Stark Год назад +26

      Honestly I like how they help you unfuck the situation in ORAS

    • @billykaplan9915
      @billykaplan9915 Год назад +6

      They really really didn't think it through

  • @GreenOfMe
    @GreenOfMe 2 года назад +253

    Honestly, if we could get a spin-off where team plasma succeeds and the player joined a rebel group fighting to survive against Ghetsis and the rest of the team( as Ghetsis didn’t necessarily want to be the only person with Pokémon, he wanted team Plasma to have a Pokémon monopoly) would be very interesting

    • @pinkie723
      @pinkie723 2 года назад +42

      Ooo, that could be a fun concept for a Unova Legends game! Everyone lost their Pokemon, and now you need to go around catching all sorts of Pokemon to build up a team to defeat Team Plasma and liberate Unova!

    • @gioflores
      @gioflores 2 года назад +5

      @@pinkie723 man thats so hype

    • @waleedkhalid7486
      @waleedkhalid7486 2 года назад +13

      Ok this needs to be a fan made game or a rom hack like yesterday!! I am legitimately surprised it doesn’t already exist.

    • @craigyeah1052
      @craigyeah1052 2 года назад +17

      Sounds fun. You could even rent out your pokemon to other rebels instead of just having them all in a box. Could frame it after years where most professors are captured and so knowledge on catching and training pokemon needs to be rediscovered.

    • @atommidas200
      @atommidas200 2 года назад +6

      @@pinkie723 any fakemon creators out their, this mans got ideas

  • @JustJulyo
    @JustJulyo 2 года назад +724

    Let's be honest, Team Rocket is looking like a more understanding group than RUclips is recently

    • @theapexsurvivor9538
      @theapexsurvivor9538 2 года назад +84

      I mean, one thing you can say about them is that they're honest about what they want, which is more than can be said about most modern corporations who lie and gaslight their customers on seemingly a weekly basis.

    • @AnythingButBecky1127
      @AnythingButBecky1127 2 года назад +28

      @@theapexsurvivor9538 we realize that these creatures are powerful and that we can make big money off of them so obviously we're gonna try to do that

    • @kamikazesenpai21
      @kamikazesenpai21 10 месяцев назад +9

      @@theapexsurvivor9538 yeah it's honestly hilarious how unsubtle team rocket is. they're grunts just say shit like "it feels good ordering my pokemon to commit crimes" *actual quote)

    • @Noah_Levy
      @Noah_Levy 8 месяцев назад +5

      Recently? :P

    • @-DevilLunar-
      @-DevilLunar- 5 месяцев назад

      Well if they only have control of jotho and Kanto I think some legendary might come and put an end to them

  • @beagay963
    @beagay963 2 года назад +111

    Giratina probably didn’t mind Volo because he didn’t want to straight up delete the universes like Cyrus did.

    • @Rudoku1
      @Rudoku1 Год назад +11

      That and since the character in Legends is the same one from D/P/P, Giratina remembers you kicked it's ass 200 years ago.

    • @HappyBeezerStudios
      @HappyBeezerStudios Месяц назад

      The kind of thing when a villain teams up with the hero, because you can't rule the world when it's destroyed.

  • @original4934
    @original4934 2 года назад +631

    Team Galactic and Flare were definitely the most dangerous

    • @ChaoticJester
      @ChaoticJester 2 года назад +46

      Also Plasma imo.

    • @theamazingspooderman2697
      @theamazingspooderman2697 2 года назад +21

      @@ChaoticJester Liberation is cool but what is stopping the trainers from catching their pokemon instantly after releasing them

    • @Leefbones
      @Leefbones 2 года назад +60

      @@theamazingspooderman2697 team plasma is seen hacking pokemon pc's which wouldn't stop people from recapturing
      But it does prevent people from having more than 6
      Also reshiram and zeckrom could canonically just kill destroy unova
      Which is a pretty good threat to discourage such behaviour

    • @ChaoticJester
      @ChaoticJester 2 года назад +56

      @@theamazingspooderman2697 Team Neo Plasmas Ghetsis wasn't afraid to kill people, almost freezing the protagonist just to prove it.

    • @Akatsukileader9
      @Akatsukileader9 2 года назад +12

      Not Volo? he's straight up evil while Cyrus is jus whatever. And Lysandre doesn't have the power to end the multiverse on his side

  • @justyouramateuryoutuber
    @justyouramateuryoutuber 2 года назад +306

    I could imagine a side entry where you play as the grunt of the evil team, only for a plot twist to be that the supposed player character would be the true mastermind and you would end up saving the world (and possibly being hailed as a hero)

    • @FishronCatFurryBoi
      @FishronCatFurryBoi 2 года назад +54

      That's basically a Pokemon Fire Red ROM hack where red is actually a parasite and Your a team rocket grunt

    • @borekspacil952
      @borekspacil952 2 года назад +34

      Pokémon team rocket edition

    • @thunderknight4149
      @thunderknight4149 2 года назад +13

      That was actually the original plot of pokemon coliseum and XD.

    • @ChososHoeso
      @ChososHoeso 2 года назад +12

      I mean that isn't all that far off from Arceus? Being a member of the galaxy team which becomes team galactic in the future and commander Kamado keeps thinking the player is causing the bad things so they can fix them and become the hero. I mean he's obviously wrong, but that's not too far off from your idea haha

    • @jackhowe7887
      @jackhowe7887 2 года назад +1

      Rocket edition

  • @kinglyzebra6417
    @kinglyzebra6417 2 года назад +260

    Team Skull's goal wasn't just "get rich".
    They wanted to get rid of the Island Challenge and basically destroy all of Alola's Culture
    And given that the Tapus are responsible for entrusting Kahunas, Captains, and Z-crystals, the Island Deities would likely be killed.
    The combination of the consequences of Team Skull winning would basically make all of Alola just like Po Town.
    Feel free to expand on my idea here.

    • @laravioliiii2832
      @laravioliiii2832 Год назад

      So, they would make alolan healthcare into american healthcare?

    • @celenatoppin9675
      @celenatoppin9675 Год назад +19

      In my opinion, even without the protagonist they wouldn't have gotten far, at one point they would be like "we did it" but they only managed to steal that bus stop. Because I belive like team yell they have limits because of their "low" power

    • @yunyomal
      @yunyomal 8 месяцев назад +9

      i honestly think team skull has no directive, they just do shit for the lolz. I mean... Its not like their zubats are capable of anything greater

    • @сільськаприбахана
      @сільськаприбахана 6 месяцев назад +3

      I may not be the most knowledgeable about Pokémon lore, but as far as I get, Team Skull was practically some guys who were petty about not winning, no?
      At least in their "core"
      I don't think they were smart, forward-planning villains like even Giovanni were, so I don't think they would actually be able to kill Tapu
      They don't look like guys who prepared lore-heavy thing that can weaken and/or trap deity-like Pokémon, too - judging by part about destroying Alola culture, they probably don't know if such thing exists 😅

    • @Antifrost
      @Antifrost 6 месяцев назад +6

      I like the idea, I just don't know if they'd necessarily kill people to get their way. With the way Guzma acts in both the games and the anime, he's not evil. He'll definitely cause a huge ruckus and disrupt the Island Challenge system, but I see them as more likely to install themselves into power rather than kill the people in charge. The end result is the same as you described - everything becomes Po Town because they're not really concerned with long-term stuff, as long as they're having a good time.

  • @dragonjames4500
    @dragonjames4500 2 года назад +168

    Team plasma and team rocket would basically have a never ending war.

    • @w1ndgeneral226
      @w1ndgeneral226 2 года назад +13

      Oh THAT would be cool.

    • @neosolitudexevermore4895
      @neosolitudexevermore4895 2 года назад +16

      Team Plasma would DESTROY Team Rocket.

    • @kinglyzebra6417
      @kinglyzebra6417 2 года назад +12

      Considering the aftermath of the "1000 year war" we heard about in X and Y,
      I wonder what "Ultimate Weapon 2.0" would be constructed by Team Plasma and the effects it would have (aside from mass destruction)

    • @John-Stark
      @John-Stark Год назад +14

      ​@@kinglyzebra6417I unironically see Ghetsis firing the weapon like a madman

    • @andreatheradiodragon7578
      @andreatheradiodragon7578 Год назад +2

      ​@@John-StarkImagine that weapon, powered by Yveltal/Xerneas and Zekrom/Reshiram, used by Ghetsis, that would be neat

  • @samhershey4644
    @samhershey4644 2 года назад +205

    Plasma also failed to take something else in to consideration
    Some trainers treat their Pokemon so well the Pokemon consider them friends and would willingly fight for them.
    Example: Let's say Ash was in the games and released all of his Pokemon, but then wanted to fight N. I have no doubt in my mind Pikachu, Charizard, Pigeot and Butterfree would WILLINGLY fight alongside Ash despite not being his Pokemon any more

    • @monst3r_of_ceremonies
      @monst3r_of_ceremonies Год назад +22

      also greninja

      @THINKMACHINE Год назад +39

      Plus all the other motivations pokemon might have for working with a human. It's blatantly obvious that they get a _lot_ more out of it than just good company.
      I'd fully expect a large portion of them to react quite literally: "oh, I'm free, okay... so what's for dinner?"

    • @dragonaura6698
      @dragonaura6698 Год назад +17

      Also like all of the trainers with friendship evolutions, do I need to say more?

    • @CantusTropus
      @CantusTropus Год назад +13

      They're fanatics, they probably assume that anyone who opposes them are inherently evil. Either that, or they simply don't think that things could possibly NOT go the way they expect them to in their heads.

    • @F1areon
      @F1areon Год назад +8

      They'd probably assume the Pokemon were hopelessly brainwashed by their trainers if they STILL stuck with them after being released, and thus move in to euthanize them or something. @@CantusTropus

  • @crossknight1490
    @crossknight1490 2 года назад +106

    I like how every scenario is "this is what WOULD have happened" and then is team Aqua/Magma:
    - They succeed and the legendary awakens. Then Rayquaza, a pokemon they didn't even know existed, stops it ans that's it, end of the journey.
    - IF Rayquaza is not there, they die like in the animated series Generations.
    - IF they control the Pokémon, they break the natural balance and destrot the world, so team Aqua kills all pokemon (and fails) or team Magma errases all the land and make the planet uninhabitable (and fails).
    There is literally no scenario where they do what they want and make even the slightest profit out of it lmao

    • @azerty1933
      @azerty1933 2 года назад +18

      That's why they are my favorite vilains, the whole plan is just so stupid it's good
      And compared to most recent vilains they actually feel like bad guys you have to stop, after team flare there has been no actual team worth fighting (although the aether Fondation was a nice change which i liked)

    • @eliasgonzalez5357
      @eliasgonzalez5357 Год назад +7

      Except Lysander, he straight up just fires the ultimate weapon and kills everyone, no ifs, no would’ve’s, no nothing, just fired and new world

    • @adammartinez8061
      @adammartinez8061 Год назад +4

      Also “Those who refuse to release their Pokemon get struck down.”
      Im looking at you ash and your companions.

  • @franknova987
    @franknova987 2 года назад +27

    In a way, Cyrus found an alternative when he gets Darkrai in Masters EX, plunging himself and everyone in the Pasio region into a deep, emotionless sleep whit Darkrais power
    Took the majority of the sinnoh cast to stop him

  • @eshasunrise
    @eshasunrise 2 года назад +722

    What's ridiculous is if Rose had just called his little brother and asked him what he's up to, he would've learned about Regileki and Regidrago, two immortal golems literally made of energy who just love sitting in caves and emitting huge amounts of power, perfect for solving that energy crisis 1000 years in the future he was so worried about. But no. He just had to piss off Peony and cut all contact. Freaking dumbass.

    • @Eric6761
      @Eric6761 2 года назад +76

      Worst part, it's not like Rose couldnt investigate better

    • @sakonan4883
      @sakonan4883 2 года назад +59

      Family problems are complicated. The conflict was two sided where Peony was also jealous and resentful of the praise and attention Rose got from their parents and everyone. Peony was so resentful that when he learned Rose became the League’s chairman, he quit being a champion right away and packed up and left. Peony could easily just not pick up the phone.

    • @eriklazo5499
      @eriklazo5499 2 года назад

      I mean his an idiot what more can you expect from him XD

    • @elderliddle2733
      @elderliddle2733 2 года назад +33

      The point of Rose was gamefreak making fun of climate alarmism in Europe. Essentially, Rose has so little faith in humanity that he wants to solve an issue that may not actually be an issue when the time comes. He didn’t think humanity would be able to progress and evolve in that massive amount of time.

    • @sakonan4883
      @sakonan4883 2 года назад +17

      @@elderliddle2733 I feel like his motive would have been easily fixed if his logic is that an increasing population will mean more energy being used and energy being used faster, which is logical, because if there’s more people, there’s more people who need to use energy. Another easy fix would be that the region really relies on energy and suddenly losing all their energy would be catastrophic.

  • @midnight1978
    @midnight1978 2 года назад +57

    Funny enough Team Rainbow-Rocket actually had all the previous villains from other universes were they were successful with their plans

  • @StickMaster500
    @StickMaster500 2 года назад +407

    Would really love a future Pokémon game to revolve around the villains winning and achieving their goals. A Team Rocket Kanto/Johto would be a dream for me!

    • @zaleww5824
      @zaleww5824 2 года назад +50

      rainbow rocket basically

    • @Jetfox967
      @Jetfox967 2 года назад +26

      Episode RR in a nutshell.

    • @Johnsechuan
      @Johnsechuan 2 года назад +7

      Maybe pokemon neo ghetsis is a fun fakemon region series for you to watch!

    • @Flizz0
      @Flizz0 2 года назад +6

      ME TOO I love Giovanni so I’d love to see that :3

    • @joshuaford417
      @joshuaford417 2 года назад +15

      theres a rom hack about the team rocket thing thats fairly popular thats kinda like that

  • @V2KH6187
    @V2KH6187 2 года назад +139

    Imagine a pokemon game in a region ruled by the evil team. You play as the male/female protagonist as always and at the endgame, you beat the villain with the help of the gym leader and other character to free the region. This could be sick.

    • @AvengedToni
      @AvengedToni 2 года назад +15

      I'm making a romhack where Team Magma seizes power in Hoenn and it's up to you and Team Aqua to stop them before they destroy the world. So it's kinda like what you described.

    • @ladyriethegoldendelmo5441
      @ladyriethegoldendelmo5441 2 года назад +4

      or it would be more sick if we could play as the villian not including the hack lol

    • @HighPriestFuneral
      @HighPriestFuneral 2 года назад +9

      From a technical sense, that is the idea in Pokemon Colosseum, so much of the Orre Region is already under the thumb of Cipher from top to bottom.

    • @w1ndgeneral226
      @w1ndgeneral226 2 года назад

      I could see that as the alternative timeline where team plasma and Ghetsis succeeded as was hinted at pokemon ultra sun and moon.

    • @mikaruyami
      @mikaruyami Год назад +1

      Cipher influence and financial backing, that we know of, was
      1. Enough fund research to create shadow Pokémon.
      2. Control and ownership of the battle arenas as well as construction of a faint collusuem.
      3. Has ties to control the local office of government.(or in their case their case put one of their own high ranks there)
      4. Hiring another team to do their dirty work.
      5. Enough funds to literally acquire legendaries.
      6. After being thwarted once, being able to return later 10 years later and not only doing most of it all again, but also improving.

  • @SorceressHalcy
    @SorceressHalcy 2 года назад +28

    Ghetsis did have a contingency, he has the staff in Pokemon BW2 that says “You can’t use Pokéballs to catch Pokémon.” He would just jeed to create a world-wide version of that.

  • @lightyearpig12
    @lightyearpig12 2 года назад +10

    Team Magma: 7/10, too much water.
    Team Aqua: 7/10, too much land.

  • @zimonzieclown1633
    @zimonzieclown1633 2 года назад +42

    I mean, Team Star already succeeded in their plans. They wanted to get rid of bullying at the Academy, which they did... eighteen months before the start of the game.

  • @WhiteDarkness3113
    @WhiteDarkness3113 2 года назад +47

    Is Dobbs even aware that Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon where we meet the team villains (Minus Team Skull, Aethar foundation, Yell, Macro foundation and star) where they succeeded in their timelines and their success being a good is a terrible world to live in

    • @christopherharrison4453
      @christopherharrison4453 2 года назад +1

      Missed neo team plasma as well but covered neo team rocket.

    • @Eric6761
      @Eric6761 2 года назад +1

      Lysander basicaly was only saved by Giovani machine meaning he would die

  • @ale-xsantos1078
    @ale-xsantos1078 2 года назад +80

    Being fair to Ghetsis
    He wanted to be King of Unova first, then the world, and nobody would get to "re-catch" their pokémon because Team Plasma who's loyal to him would catch them first ensuring his rule
    We also seen that he turned Kyurem into a flying nuke cannon in BW2 so he most likely would have done that with Reshiram/Zekrom, his team also made Genesect into a Mewtwo-level threat and in BW you can also get the orbs for the Sinnoh Dragon Trio from his Shadow Triad PLUS the Master Ball
    Indicating that once he had Reshiram/Zekrom and was King of Unova he'd go after them in order to catch them with a master ball and use them to conquer the world with an army of "Genesectized" pokémon
    And unlike with Cyrus, there would be no reason for either Giratina nor Arceus to interfer since he didnt intend to destroy the world he intended to rule, getting to essencially rule forever as long he avoided pissing off the literal God

    • @irondragondxd3836
      @irondragondxd3836 2 года назад +8

      Arceus never gets off its ass to do its own dirty work and fix the world. So I wouldn’t count on it stopping Cyrus.

    • @zacmayes2802
      @zacmayes2802 2 года назад +23

      @@irondragondxd3836 Oh, there was a space-time rupture in the past? Ehh send in some 14 year old and I'll call it a day

    • @chrisrpg2038
      @chrisrpg2038 2 года назад +22

      Many people forgot about this, but Team Plasma was also after Victini, the Victory pokemon. And if they succeed, they would literally be unstoppable.

    • @irondragondxd3836
      @irondragondxd3836 2 года назад +2

      @@zacmayes2802 Yeah pretty much lol

    • @irondragondxd3836
      @irondragondxd3836 2 года назад +1

      @@chrisrpg2038 was that in the game? I know it was in the manga

  • @judaiyuki5597
    @judaiyuki5597 2 года назад +99

    anyone else realize that scarlet and violet are the first games to start the game with a dead professor

    • @quadq3285
      @quadq3285 2 года назад +2

      The only

    • @koundy2004
      @koundy2004 2 года назад +24

      well it is also first game with having different professors which exclusive version you are playing

    • @judaiyuki5597
      @judaiyuki5597 2 года назад +3

      @@koundy2004 yes that too lol i miss the format of unova and kalos where there are ranks of evil teams and awesome battle styles (instead of solely 1 on 1) unova is probably my favorite :)

    • @MariOmor1
      @MariOmor1 Год назад +5

      Also the first game where the professor is evil

    • @judaiyuki5597
      @judaiyuki5597 Год назад +1

      @@MariOmor1 they were evil? i thought they were just stupid and accidentally released hell spawn pokemon

  • @dakotaravenwood7755
    @dakotaravenwood7755 2 года назад +143

    Problem with Team Star is they were successful in driving off the bullies, but then became the bullies and luring off students from the school. The Director was about to expell all of them. They got too big and too aggressive, even after they accomplished their goals which also got almost the entire previous staff of the school fired/quit.

    • @yeetuszilla1663
      @yeetuszilla1663 Год назад +5

      So they became the very thing they swore to destroy

    • @dakotaravenwood7755
      @dakotaravenwood7755 Год назад +8

      @yeetuszilla1663 correct. SPOLIER WARNING!!
      The boss who started it realized their mistake and helps you take them down. They all realize it in the end.

    • @Plagueis_The_Wise
      @Plagueis_The_Wise 4 месяца назад

      Another sh*t take about Star... Team Star were justified. The bullies were gaslighters with the bs rumors. Just like bullies in real life!

    • @HappyBeezerStudios
      @HappyBeezerStudios Месяц назад +1

      @@dakotaravenwood7755 villains that actually think things through and do the right things when neccesary.

  • @ThatAnArchyDude
    @ThatAnArchyDude 2 года назад +37

    If Team Rocket had succeeded in the beginning, Giovanni would've seen most of the following evil teams as top threats to his legacy & either supported them while planning to double-cross them at the first advantageous opportunity OR had Team Rocket stop them.

    • @potatootatop3434
      @potatootatop3434 Год назад +4

      Imagine a game where you have to frantically defend a base from team Rocket during an all out assault, gives me chills thinking about it

    • @remorasquill6236
      @remorasquill6236 Год назад +5

      Actually, you can see Giovanni doing exactly that (but not controlling everything though) in Pokemon Masters EX. He just casually intercepts the other team's plans just to piss them off 😂

    • @ThatAnArchyDude
      @ThatAnArchyDude Год назад +2

      @@remorasquill6236 Noice!

  • @TsuyoiTCG
    @TsuyoiTCG 2 года назад +5

    Pokémon USUM post game has the answer of this.
    Giovanni would be unstoppable, would be able to control the world, and now bored, decides to investigate interdimensional traveling, finds out it's a thing, and the rest is story.

  • @MercerSin
    @MercerSin 2 года назад +37

    If neo rocket succeeded, wouldn’t they still have to contend with red? I can’t imagine he’d hear about their reemergence and not be salty that Giovanni went back on his word to him.

  • @neilstone9360
    @neilstone9360 2 года назад +30

    So I did kind of something similar. So in a story I had been working on Ash is accidentally killed by Jessie and James they didn't mean to do it, but with him out of the picture everyone else gives up. Flash forward about 10 years and Jessie and James are the heads of Team Rocket. They aren't as evil as Giovanni so they let their grunts keep more powerful Pokemon that they have grown attached too since they remember having to give up their Unova Pokemon. Anyways everyone works for Tean Rocket now with them using Rocket points as a form of money that can be used to buy items and can be earned by work or beating other trainers. Now I basically took the idea of the Pokétch and tweaked it a bit. They have a watch that can connect with others and display their I.D. as well as transfer Rocket points and even works as a communicator and tracking device. Now anyone can be a grunt and join the academy at 10 graduating at 13 and depending on the number of Rocket badges you earn it will determine your rank as the students can take on the gyms and the Rocket league the winner becoming an executive right after graduating

    • @talkingshounen14
      @talkingshounen14 2 года назад +2

      This is actually a pretty interesting scenario

    • @theenderdestruction2362
      @theenderdestruction2362 2 года назад +2

      Why does this make me think they also have a little monument to ash they visit cause this makes me think they might have a bit of trauma thanks to that

  • @Digimonfan-w9o
    @Digimonfan-w9o 2 года назад +50

    I like How Half the evil teams Have stupid plans Most of Them Have insane plans well

    • @DharshM0
      @DharshM0 2 года назад +14

      It’s like these teams were an afterthought after GF created the new Pokémon for the region or something

  • @jeannepucelle
    @jeannepucelle 2 года назад +131

    Didn't AI Sada and Turo's plan already succeed not just in Paldea but for the entire pokemon world?
    In the distant future, at least in Violet's case, there are no more pokemon and it's possibly a dystopian place. The paradox pokemon in Violet that were originally flesh and blood and different types are now made up of Steel. Some of these pokemon are Iron Treads (Donphan), Iron Moth (Volcarona), Iron Hnads (Hariyama), Iron Jugulis (Hydregon), Iron Thorns (Tyranitar), Iron Bundle (Delibird) and Iron Valiant (a combination of Gardevoir and Gallade).
    Chairman Rose stated there will be a energy crises that will affect the Galar region in 1,000 years and in the remake of Ruby and Sapphire, there is a place hinted at being a safe zone in case a apocalypse happens. In Legensds, a character asks since your character came from the future, is there pokemon in it. One of the answers you can give is, '"No, its nothing like that"' stating there are no more pokemon. The second option is a happier answer saying pokemon are friends with everyone.
    Who's to say these two apocalypse events, plus your unhappy answer in Legends, are connected to Paldea's distant future problem in Violet thanks to both stupid original and their AI counterparts Sada and Turo? I hope Scarlet and Violet's DLC clears up this distant future problem.

    • @BaconNuke
      @BaconNuke 2 года назад +16

      A DLC based only around the distant future would not work with how Scarlet.. deals with the past... unless they go full hog and make two entirely different DLCs for each version.. which is not gonna happen...

    • @tedxteddy
      @tedxteddy 2 года назад +7

      I guess paradox Pokemon means that something happened in past or future which changed some Pokemon. Like making ttar which is was extent a robot Pokemon the world became unstable to live in or roaring moon has to adapt to the nature to become salamance but it didn't and it created a paradox timeline.

    • @jeannepucelle
      @jeannepucelle 2 года назад +3

      @@tedxteddy I only hope it is for some Pokemon and not all. I love the Ralts evolution line so it's a shame if we get a robotic Ralts line in the future due to it not adapting to the environment. That is, if the devs want to go down that route.

    • @jeannepucelle
      @jeannepucelle 2 года назад +2

      @@BaconNuke You don't know, the Pokemon world is slowly making its way into open world territory and we did have the two different DLCs, isle and tundra, in both Sword and Shield. Even if this is the Pokemon company we are taking about, they are changing its formula around so they might consider two DLCs to go with the two games to expand its lore or fix the paradox problem. Here's hoping anyway.

    • @066kshitizvsingh4
      @066kshitizvsingh4 2 года назад +5

      Tbf their is still that theory that Paradox Pokemon aren't from different parts of time but figments of the third legendary supposed ability to grant wishes/turn dreams into reality. And the time machine is just a convenient excuse for the 3rd legendary to use to create the paradox mons.

  • @thunderknight4149
    @thunderknight4149 2 года назад +91

    Got to love how Lysandre's inverntion, the holocaster, is just the holocausts but slightly alters.

    • @13CrystalHeart
      @13CrystalHeart 2 года назад

      Team Flare are basically Pokemon Nazis tbh. Their goal is genocide, the Holocaster = Holocaust thing, and they have a very secret police vibe to their team, since they listen in on Holocaster conversations, have some implied plainclothes agents, and have control over the media thanks to Malva.

    • @japanpanda2179
      @japanpanda2179 Год назад +1


  • @RadenWA
    @RadenWA 2 года назад +9

    “The Elite Four is clearly against Team Rocket”
    *Meanwhile in the Pokemon Manga*

    • @dustydd
      @dustydd 2 года назад +3

      Every other version of Lance: Friend :)

  • @someteennamedcharles2035
    @someteennamedcharles2035 Год назад +4

    Giratina: Dad! Why aren't you stopping that human that's obviously a villain!? He's planning on controlling my siblings so he destroy the universe and make a new one to rule in.
    Arceus: shush, I'm just curious to see what he'll do. Now go to your room, everything's fine.

  • @realkekz
    @realkekz Год назад +3

    >Team Rocket
    >Mobsters who want to gamble and racketeer in a wacky and wonderful Pokemon world
    >Team Galactic
    >Leader is dragged down to hell by a chaos god for trying to erase the entire universe
    Weird games

  • @starseeker3002
    @starseeker3002 2 года назад +38

    Gamefreak would never ever ok something like this, but I would like to see an open world pokemon game set after a team magma/aqua victory where you explore the ecologically ruined world atop a rapidash/lapras that you befriend at the beginning of the game with the goal of finding the counterpart legendary (kyogre in team magma scenario, groudon in team aqua scenario) in order to bring the world back into balance

    • @rigelestbit
      @rigelestbit 2 года назад +5

      Make it a pokemon rangers game. I can see the plot fitting that kind of gameplay

    • @Pikachu_Snivy_57
      @Pikachu_Snivy_57 2 года назад +1

      That Would be nice

    • @snintendog
      @snintendog 2 года назад +3

      WATERWORLD or ENDLESS DESERT .... no thanks

    • @pg13snipez
      @pg13snipez 2 года назад

      Great Ruby and Sapphire Seas would be cool, but maybe have the ridables be there, and... OOOH maybe have it be a 2nd DLC where you stop a rampaging pokemon (Groudon or kyogre) with the help of the 2 leagues and maybe even a few champions before the sea swallows everything or all water is gone. And it would be a nice segway to introduce other mechanics and regions, be it coastal kalos, poni island, and a saved hoenn? who knows, maybe even a portion of unova.

    • @pg13snipez
      @pg13snipez 2 года назад


  • @nightpups5835
    @nightpups5835 2 года назад +3

    what is crazy, is that there are irl people who support team flares ideas

  • @redwardranger7034
    @redwardranger7034 2 года назад +24

    Dobbs: If they succeed, Team Neo Rocket will be able to make Shiny Pokemon at will
    Some random genner: look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power

    • @Voicesofdoom_legacy
      @Voicesofdoom_legacy 4 месяца назад +1

      Hey, if neo rocket can make shiny pokemon, I’d give them my support

    • @redwardranger7034
      @redwardranger7034 4 месяца назад

      @Voicesofdoom_legacy As would I, my friend. I'm always gonna love Shiny Lapras ang Electivire

  • @reviewer945
    @reviewer945 2 месяца назад +1

    i just noticed that Team Rocket winning could likely make every Pokemon game a Mobile Game because you would have to pay for everything.

  • @phoenix5054
    @phoenix5054 2 года назад +9

    I desperately wanted to say YES to joining Team Rocket on that Nugget Bridge.

  • @jaxonhopkins2691
    @jaxonhopkins2691 2 года назад +7

    “They would how control of mewtwo” mewtwo after massacring the grunts that went to catch it , “that was easier than I thought it would be”

  • @SorceressRose
    @SorceressRose 2 года назад +16

    It’s honestly amazing they already explored the bad guys winning in US/UM with Team Rainbow Rocket basically being made up of team bosses that were successful with their goals.
    Not only that, but US/UM are in a similar universe, if not identical one to the new timeline with mega evolution, which includes ORAS, so if you think about it, two Archie’s and Maxie’s existed in the same world for a short time. The old and the new ones!

  • @flarestorm9417
    @flarestorm9417 2 года назад +5

    Listening to some of these plans, I imagine a Spider-Man: No Way Home situation where the Rainbow Rocket villains discuss their plans and realize they were all about to die.

  • @herronariela7469
    @herronariela7469 2 года назад +29

    if you're going to count every villain in the pokemon games, you're missing some, i know you're counting the main games but I'd like to see these Villains winning
    Team Cipher (Pokemon Colosseum)
    Team Din sun (pokemon ranger)

    • @AnimeboyIanpower
      @AnimeboyIanpower 2 года назад +5

      Team Cipher: World gets overrun by Shadow Pokémon.
      Team Dim Sun: Eternal Darkness with a side of Perpetually Hypnotized Pokémon

    • @medichampion328
      @medichampion328 2 года назад +1

      Also the Miss Fortune Sisters from PLA.

    • @AnimeboyIanpower
      @AnimeboyIanpower 2 года назад

      @@medichampion328 They're thieves, plain and simple.

    • @skullguy4863
      @skullguy4863 Год назад

      ​@Medichampion328 they are petty thieves though so they really don't count

    • @eliasgonzalez5357
      @eliasgonzalez5357 Год назад +1

      Huh, the Pokémon ranger I played had a team go go for villains, how many are there?

  • @DReivenn55
    @DReivenn55 2 года назад +11

    Tbh Maxie's plan in using Groudon's drought effect WAS smart for his goal, using volcanos to make rocks in the giant masses of sea however, is not. But even if he used groudon to slowly dry all the water in hoenn it would have killed several pokemon and eventually starved and killed the people there (or at least made the region unlivable) and once it spread planetarily like it mentions everyone would eventually die of heatsroke dehydration or famine

  • @Naotosbiggestfan24
    @Naotosbiggestfan24 2 года назад +8

    Finally, I know who is / was a team rocket member in manga.

  • @jakohara6789
    @jakohara6789 2 года назад +6

    I ain't even gonna lie, Sada and Turo's plans actually sound totally awesome and I can completely get behind, kinda sounds like what Jurassic World Dominion should have been

  • @firstnamelastname8006
    @firstnamelastname8006 2 года назад +6

    Never realized how much I had in common with Volo.

  • @iceberg0404
    @iceberg0404 2 года назад +4

    The Kanto gym leaders being apart of team rocket in the manga blew my mind. I just learned something new and nothing else I learn today is gonna top that.

  • @VulpineFox7
    @VulpineFox7 2 года назад +4

    The team yell one sounds like a child's description of their pokemon fanfic

  • @Turbo338-1
    @Turbo338-1 2 года назад +1

    volo didn't wanna be the bad guy, he just wanted to meet god and have a conversation with him about how the world works

  • @superdawge808
    @superdawge808 2 года назад +26

    I love your theory videos! Very nice predications

  • @lopunbunbun
    @lopunbunbun 2 года назад +10

    Volo wouldn't capture arceus and discover myths, he would most likely just make or change the world so that everything negative no longer exists. Why would he capture Arceus, what does he get out of that?

  • @barrylander8317
    @barrylander8317 2 года назад +3

    0:11 Team Rocket
    2:36 Team Neo Rocket
    3:52 Team Aqua & Magma
    5:54 Team Galactic
    8:02 Team Plasma
    9:40 Team Flare
    10:50 Team Skull, The Aether Foundation & Team Rainbow Rocket
    12:24 Team Yell & Chairman Rose
    13:52 Volo
    15:06 Team Star & Professor Sada + Turo

  • @knowvoid9958
    @knowvoid9958 2 года назад +5

    You get expanded lore on all villains in Pokemon Masters EX, huge lore is there.

  • @bloodystatic4156
    @bloodystatic4156 2 года назад +12

    If 1 pearl=1,000 Pokédollars, and is sold at a low price, then this equates to $100 US dollars, which is the real life lowest price for a pearl. Therefore, 1000 Pokédollars divided by 100 US Dollars=10. Therefore, 10 Pokédollars=1 US Dollar. Therefore, joining Team Flare, 5,000,000 Pokédollars divided by 100 US Dollars= $50,000

    • @irondragondxd3836
      @irondragondxd3836 2 года назад +3

      Pokedollars are a dubbed game thing, in the manga there is no such thing as pokedollars. It’s only Yen.

    • @skullguy4863
      @skullguy4863 Год назад

      Technical pokedollers equal yen
      But I like the way you did it a little more

  • @EvynTheBooksmith
    @EvynTheBooksmith 2 года назад +7

    Actually, you could have made an entry for Team Star, but it would kind of nullify their existence in the first place.
    In this timeline, had Team Star succeeded, it would mean their bullies had been caught and expelled from the school. But the question then remains, would Team Star disband or would they stay friends? Would Penny come out of hiding and reveal her face, or would she stay hidden, afraid that she wouldn't live up to her friends' expectations of her? I believe Penny would become resentful, and bitter of her former friends, the people who missed her dearly in the main timeline, and hate them based on her own narrative that they would not like her for who she is. She would contact the player, as she does in the main timeline, and tell them to fight the former Team Star bosses, based on some lie she made up. In reality, she wants the player to humiliate the bosses in front of everyone, in an act of petty revenge for something they never did. After the last boss falls she would gloat and monologues, talking about how friendship has no value and how it didn't help the bosses in the end. But as she speaks, the sudden realization that she feels empty would wash over her. She realise her "revenge" did not make her happy like she thought it would, and to make matters worse she would be confronted by her former friends who would ask her how she could even begin to believe her plan was a good idea. They would call her out as being the very thing she fought against in the first place when she formed Team Star, a bully, which would devastate Penny and she leaves Paldea to never return again.
    I don't find that story as satisfying as what we got, but I can't deny it does sound like a story Pokémon would have made in the past.

  • @sufx0845
    @sufx0845 2 года назад +66

    Can you do that with other pokemon spinoff too ? It could be really interesting.

    • @morayfrye
      @morayfrye 2 года назад +10

      I would like to see what Cipher would have done if they succeeded. Their whole goal was kinda dark for a Pokemon game and I would like to see the outcome.

    • @MrKlausbaudelaire
      @MrKlausbaudelaire 2 года назад +1

      Imagine the outcomes for the Mystery Dungeon series…

    • @eliasgonzalez5357
      @eliasgonzalez5357 Год назад

      Mystery dungeon…. Everything just stops,
      Pokémon ranger everything goes to hell with the climate disaster
      your welcome

    • @fernandoguillen5996
      @fernandoguillen5996 Год назад +1

      Red and Blue: The meteorite (aka Deoxys) kills every pokemon except rayquaza and the ones who lives in sky tower.
      Time, Dark and Sky: The time fully stops and Grovyle's future stays the same or worse than we saw in game

  • @Guffy1234
    @Guffy1234 Год назад +2

    Chairman Rose did not want to make Leon capture Eturnitis and stop any energy problems on the future! He wanted to destroy Galar so he could make the future a better place, or so he thought

  • @kobesmith8054
    @kobesmith8054 2 года назад +14

    I feel like any major threats that could harm the world and by extension Kalos. Zygarde would try to put an end to it.

  • @LumaDSi
    @LumaDSi 2 месяца назад +1

    Also, in the post game of USUM, team Rainbow rocket is Allied with most teams mentioned, but they were from a timeline in which their plans succeeded.

  • @lexieve4325
    @lexieve4325 2 года назад +5

    I loved this one. Thank you!!! I hope you keep making new videos. Your thoughts are awesome and really entertaining!

  • @darnok6407
    @darnok6407 Год назад +1

    I've read enough H. P. Lovecraft to know that Volo's plan is a bad idea

  • @garchompgamer1874
    @garchompgamer1874 2 года назад +16

    Everyday is a good day when Dobbs posts videos

  • @yourethatmantis5178
    @yourethatmantis5178 2 года назад +1

    Damn you did Ghetsis dirty in this video. I know pokemon stories are never tightly written. But I stand by my belief that Ghetsis is the most heinous, intelligent and diabolical villain Pokemon has ever had; and you basically brushed the guy off like he was an idiot.

  • @goatieben7387
    @goatieben7387 7 месяцев назад +3

    I think if Team Yell succeeded, I don’t think Marnie would want to be champion. She’s looking for a real challenge, and not a bunch of people who will help her cheat.

  • @venomgaming7014
    @venomgaming7014 Год назад +1

    I love how if team skull “succeeds”, they just get *m o n e y*

  • @sp10482
    @sp10482 2 года назад +11

    They should make a game based on Paldea where the paradox pokemon actually live in the main land and as we are already familiar with the land it would be nice to see how it would look like destructed. This idea would make a great 18+ game due to massive destruction and violence which E-rated pokemon won't do. lol

  • @Zygacat
    @Zygacat Год назад +1

    In Scarlet and Violet, i consider the school as the bad guys for allowing bullies to florist

  • @taylormcinnes3857
    @taylormcinnes3857 2 года назад +7

    team flare could’ve been an amazing evil team but they were shockingly executed

  • @Phluphyy
    @Phluphyy 2 года назад +1

    Chairman Rose was definitely the kid that got scared when his parents told him the earth will get absorbed by the sun in billions of years

  • @snowcloud8
    @snowcloud8 2 года назад +7

    They did. It's called the team rainbow rocket post ending to Ultra Sun & Moon

    • @Eric6761
      @Eric6761 2 года назад

      Not really, Maxie, Archie and Lysander are implied to almost die to their plans but were taken by Team rainbow rocket

    • @snowcloud8
      @snowcloud8 2 года назад

      @@Eric6761 lol I just realized that pokemon beat Marvel's Spiderman No Way Home plot by years XD

  • @barrybend7189
    @barrybend7189 Год назад +2

    With Ghetsis he even has a plan to control both the storage and by extension PokeBall system so only authorized people could catch Pokemon. And Ghetsis had plans to control the creation trio.

  • @FishronCatFurryBoi
    @FishronCatFurryBoi 2 года назад +20

    Lysandre Tried to warn us about modern society, No wonder why he is this way, he predicted the future, I can, no We can relate to him now

    • @TylerDesiresToBeRich11
      @TylerDesiresToBeRich11 13 дней назад

      Of course i always knew that Lysandre was right about Kalos. Even he spoke to Diantha in the pokemon generation episodes. Diantha was dumb for turning him down. If anything i would have agreed with Lysandre. A world everyone and everything is eternal sign me up.

  • @Olliemaxx1
    @Olliemaxx1 2 года назад +1

    Team rocket: Exploit pokemon for profit
    Team rainbow rocket: Literally every company during pride month:

  • @open-rhythm
    @open-rhythm 2 года назад +7

    I don't entirely believe Team skull would be after money; I just think they want to stop everybody else from completing the island challenge. I it is said they're just island challenge mis-fits that want nothing more then to stop the island challenge altogether. Outside of this, They're pretty reasonable; Even as far as to heal you're pokemon in Po town.

  • @DeathAxe09
    @DeathAxe09 Год назад +2

    I am pretty certain that Ghetsis did in fact have a contingency plan based on the fact that he was in possession of the Adamant, Lustrous and Griseous orbs as is seen in the post-game when the shadow triad gives the player character those items as Ghetsis instructed them to do.

  • @fredwardv6988
    @fredwardv6988 2 года назад +6

    The Indigo Plateau Elite Four from the Manga would definitely work with Team Rocket.

  • @Livi-chan435-xq6vy
    @Livi-chan435-xq6vy Год назад +2

    Actually the Time Machine corrupted the AI professor since the machine had its own AI,
    So the AI professors weren’t the actual villain it was the Time Machine and yes that is confusing as hell

  • @jackepicspeederwolfaj2294
    @jackepicspeederwolfaj2294 2 года назад +18

    dont forget that if lysandre's plan succeeds, then his plan would basically fail, because without much oxygen (the 100 something people at team flare arent enough), the world would just become a wasteland

    • @Eric6761
      @Eric6761 2 года назад +2

      Even then let's just say Team flare is with 1 million of members, who is going to admnister the eletricity? Produce food? Farm for vegetables? Or even medical assistance? Because the profile of Team Flare is the trainer soo i heavily doubt they would have many people in key areas to mantain life working

    • @agatha6999
      @agatha6999 2 года назад +2

      Well with Xerneas they’d probably be fine, just not particularly comfortable

    • @trueredpanda1538
      @trueredpanda1538 2 года назад

      But the machine wouldn't destroy the whole world. It never did inn the 1st place, so he would have to shot that thing multiple times. It even destroys itself with a shot (probably not maxed out power) so I doubt he would be able to destroy the whole world.

    • @snintendog
      @snintendog 2 года назад +2

      uhh Oxygen? Sorry Team flare was the genocidal maniac for beauty guys not team Aqua.

    • @TylerDesiresToBeRich11
      @TylerDesiresToBeRich11 13 дней назад

      ​@Eric6761 Im sorry to say but Team Flare took over a power plant. Why would electricity be a issue for them? Again Team Flare has a Xerneas if you pick X so food or resources wouldn't be a issue for them. Medical? Xerneas has eternal powers and even healing ones. So Team Flare wouldn't have any harmful problems. Team Flare did have many people in key area's.

  • @Memezndreamz
    @Memezndreamz 10 месяцев назад +1

    The thing about Lysander wouldn’t make sense. The anime shows us that 1. The earth would explode if Lysander’s fake zygarde touched the mega prism. 2. We can see that team flare’s men are literally running away which shows that Lysander is a true psychopath and just wants everyone to die.

  • @TheOGButterfreeguy
    @TheOGButterfreeguy 2 года назад +4

    I enjoy the Team Yell ending 😂 I want that plan to succeed!

  • @dylanbuchanan6511
    @dylanbuchanan6511 2 года назад +1

    Team Aqua/Magma: “I want to flood the world/get rid of all water on Earth. Who will join me?”
    *everyone just looks at him as if he crapped his pants for how stupid that sounded*

  • @ronidutta
    @ronidutta Год назад +3

    "Tickled my pickle" 14:17

  • @missingnotheglitchmon
    @missingnotheglitchmon Год назад +1

    Lysandre wanted to wipe out all life aside from Team Flare, that means pokemon too, not just people.

  • @rjfrost7090
    @rjfrost7090 2 года назад +3

    An idea I for a Pokémon villain was one who wanted to become the Champion of their region, so to that end they started an evil team to help them hunt down and capture powerful Pokémon that would allow them to be the strongest in the region.
    They wouldn't necessarily be strictly evil, more power-driven and overly ambitious.
    Perhaps going after Legendary Pokémon with little care to what danger to the world their actions would cause or deciding another Trainer's Pokémon has the right potential to be part of their Champion Team could be where it starts becoming more clear why they're so evil.
    Though they wouldn't necessarily have their subordinates steal people's Pokémon, they'd coerce/manipulate people into giving up their Pokémon to them.

  • @Beannie7777
    @Beannie7777 2 года назад +2

    Sun and moon villians really be like: i just wanna chill in peace 😢

  • @preheatinggobble
    @preheatinggobble 2 года назад +4

    I hope if Italy gets a region they do a mafia based evil team

    • @Pokéfan1388
      @Pokéfan1388 Год назад

      Pokémon regions based on countries is just very weird.

    • @skyecolu
      @skyecolu Год назад +3

      ​@@Pokéfan1388... You mean like, 99% of the past ones?

  • @Lufa_Clan
    @Lufa_Clan Год назад +1

    Fun fact:
    There’s a creepypasta about what will happen if team aqua and team magma wins (it gets dark)

  • @rjfrost7090
    @rjfrost7090 2 года назад +3

    12:32 As a Marnie stan, this just sounds like the best world to live in.

  • @fabiomgm1293
    @fabiomgm1293 Год назад +1

    Sirus is an incredible villain. All he wanted is for thae world to chill.

  • @warcloudff
    @warcloudff 2 года назад +10

    I love the Mario 64 sound track in the video :) Unless I'm mistaken but it sounds super similar :) Hail Team Rocket! :)

    • @Flizz0
      @Flizz0 2 года назад +1

      Yesyes I love team rocket :3

    • @vlalcremie002
      @vlalcremie002 2 года назад +1

      Hail team Sky

    • @superk9letsplays419
      @superk9letsplays419 Год назад

      ​@@vlalcremie002 a man of culture

    • @vlalcremie002
      @vlalcremie002 Год назад

      @@superk9letsplays419 I'm a Pokémon, actually, and I'm female, but I appreciate the compliment nonetheless. Thank you

  • @AquilesMaster
    @AquilesMaster 2 года назад +2

    if you give it a thought you'll realize that Rainbow Rocket actually succeeded in their plans. The traveler Giovanny recruited villian bosses from multiple regions from multiple realities as his officers, each of them with their respective legendary pokemon. Rainbow Rocket just keep wandering across realities doing their bussines. In the 7th gen games we just happened to beat them and at the end Giovanny just leaves the place with a smile on his face, probably seeking for a different reality where Lusamine suceeded, to recruit her to work under him as he did with other bosses.
    With infinite realities, infinite posibilities are open so he can afford to quit realities where troublesome geniuses are troubling his plans and focus only on those he can control. He'd leave with new knowledge for the next invasion and at some point they'd be just unstoppable anywhere
    Rainbow Rocket's Giovanny is the ultimate boss from any multiverse

  • @kaotic300
    @kaotic300 2 года назад +4

    team magma's awesome because volcanoes! 🌋
    although i would be cool with Team Yell succeeding in making Marnie & Morpeko the main characters of the anime

  • @orochi_08
    @orochi_08 2 года назад +2

    $38k to join Team Flare? You're telling me I could join Team Flare instead of going to college?

  • @crylistic
    @crylistic 2 года назад +3

    Arceus would probably have a save state 💀

  • @rhodrage
    @rhodrage 2 года назад +1

    Lusamine searching universes for Mohn is funny cause he was just an island or so away

  • @johnszymanski247
    @johnszymanski247 2 года назад +5

    While we’re on the subject, I’ve got some great ideas for Evil teams in Pokémon. Team Unversed, Team Legend, Team Paradox, Team Holon, and Team Aesthetica!

    • @vlalcremie002
      @vlalcremie002 2 года назад +1

      Interesting. What do they do?

    • @johnszymanski247
      @johnszymanski247 2 года назад +1

      @@vlalcremie002 idk about team unversed, legend, or paradox, team holon does evil stuff with terastalization.

    • @SavePriconneEN
      @SavePriconneEN 2 года назад +1

      Buried alive should also be part of or lead an evil team

    • @vlalcremie002
      @vlalcremie002 2 года назад +1

      @@SavePriconneEN nah, I think he'd work better as a solo villain

    • @AnimeboyIanpower
      @AnimeboyIanpower 2 года назад +1

      @@vlalcremie002 Defeat him and a cutscene plays where he lunges at the player only to get one-shot by a Bullet Seed attack from the rival, causing Buried Alive to return to the dust of the earth.

  • @jonahlee1153
    @jonahlee1153 Год назад +1

    "And what tickled my pickle" that's why this is my second favorite Pokemon chanel